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24Files and Security

Here are some essentials around 24Files and security:

  • 24Files has been built 100% on Salesforce. It integrates with SharePoint via APIs, none of your files are stored on any 24Files or third party server.

  • 24Files does not store any of your users' SharePoint credentials. 24Flow uses an OAuth authorization flow and users are redirected to SharePoint to login.

  • As 24Files is on the AppExchange, its code has been reviewed by the Salesforce team from a security perspective. 24Files has passed the Salesforce Security Review.

  • As 24Files has been built on Salesforce, it adopts the Salesforce security practices in terms of permission sets: we have defined multiple roles: admin, user, community user.

  • In order for 24Files to successfully execute API calls on your SharePoint, the app requires certain SharePoint permissions as described in the AZURE add-in section. These permission have been limited to the strict minimum required for the app the function properly.

  • 24Files requires the AllSites.Write permission on SharePoint: The Write permission on SharePoint is equivalent to a Contribute permission, i.e. you can add content to libraries but not create any new libraries or make changes to the structure of existing libraries.

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