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24Files Platform Events


Whenever 24Files uploads a file to your SharePoint, a Platform Event 24FileUploaded is generated that can be used to trigger Flows.

The Platform Event returns:

  • Filename

  • Path = the URL of the file on SharePoint

  • RecordId.

As an example, you can use this platform event to write the SharePoint URL of the file to a record field whenever a file is uploaded.

In the example below, we write the SharePoint URL returned by the Platform Event to a field named SharePointURI__c on an account record.


24Files Generic Event

The 24Files Generic Event is raised when an async Apex action has finalized. For these Apex actions, 24Files generates both an email and a platform event.

The 24Files Generic Event platform event has the following attributes:

  • Path: path to to the record folder.

  • RecordID: the ID of the record for which Apex action was executed.

  • Status: Success or Failed

  • Type: the name of the Apex Action that raised the platform event.

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