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24Files Apex methods


The following capitalized items need to be replaced by your specific values when calling the 24Files Apex methods:

  • RECORD_ID = ID of the record

  • FOLDER = relative folder to the record folder. Note: in case of anonymous access, you can only upload in the public folder. Hence, leave the FOLDER argument empty ''.

  • USE_ANONYMOUS_AUTH = set to ‘true’ to use anonymous auth or ‘false’ to use authenticated auth

  • EMAIL_ADDRESS = email address where results should be sent to

  • CONTENT_VERSION_ID = Salesforce content version id where the file is stored in

  • PATH = relative path to the file from the record folder

Note that in case of Anonymous Authentication the PATH is the path relative from the Public Folder. For Authenticated Authentication, this is the path relative from the Record Folder.


  • With APEX, file uploads are limited to a maximum size of 35 MB per file.

  • The getFileLink APEX method returns a link with an expiration duration that has been set in the 24Files Settings page in the 24Files Manager app.

Create Single Folder

sfy_office365.AddFolderGlobalMethod.FolderRequest folderRequest = new sfy_office365.AddFolderGlobalMethod.FolderRequest(RECORD_ID, FOLDER, USE_ANONYMOUS_AUTH);
sfy_office365.CreateFoldersGlobalMethod.createFolder(folderRequest, EMAIL_ADDRESS);

Create Multiple Folders

sfy_office365.CreateFoldersGlobalMethod.createFolders(new List<sfy_office365.AddFolderGlobalMethod.FolderRequest>(), EMAIL_ADDRESS);

Create Folder Structure

List<sfy_office365.GenerateFolderStructureGlobalMethod.FolderStructureRequest> generateFolderStructures = new List<sfy_office365.GenerateFolderStructureGlobalMethod.FolderStructureRequest>{new sfy_office365.GenerateFolderStructureGlobalMethod.FolderStructureRequest(RECORD_ID, USE_ANONYMOUS_AUTH, EMAIL_ADDRESS)};

Upload File

sfy_office365.AddFileGlobalMethod.FileRequest uploadFile = new sfy_office365.AddFileGlobalMethod.FileRequest(RECORD_ID, FOLDER, CONTENT_VERSION_ID, USE_ANONYMOUS_AUTH);
sfy_office365.UploadFilesGlobalMethod.uploadFile(uploadFile, EMAIL_ADDRESS);

Upload Files

sfy_office365.UploadFilesGlobalMethod.uploadFiles(new List<sfy_office365.AddFileGlobalMethod.FileRequest>(), EMAIL_ADDRESS);
List<sfy_office365.GetFileLinksGlobalMethod.FileLinkRequest> fileLinkRequests = new List<sfy_office365.GetFileLinksGlobalMethod.FileLinkRequest>{new sfy_office365.GetFileLinksGlobalMethod.FileLinkRequest(RECORD_ID, PATH, USE_ANONYMOUS_AUTH)};

Metadata Sync

24Files allows you to sync Salesforce fields to SharePoint metadata at the time when a new record is created. Use this Apex method to enable a sync at other times, e.g. when records fields are updated.

X24FilesMetadataSync.metadataSync(List<String> recordIds);

Rename Record Folder

Use this Apex method to rename the record folder in SharePoint, e.g. triggered by a change of the record folder name in Salesforce.

X24FilesRenameRecordFolder.renameRecordFolders(List<String> recordIds);
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