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24Files Summer '24 Release

"Reset tracking" option to select and recreate the folder structure

When a user hits the reset tracking button, 24Files will reset the link between the record and the folder structure. When the record page is reloaded, 24Files will re-evaluate what folder structure to apply.

This feature can be useful if you work with multiple folder structure and you want the end-user to choose which folder structure to apply for a particular record.

Note that this is NOT an automated reset tracking functionality, i.e. the user needs to explicitly trigger the reset tracking functionality on the 24Files component on a record page.

As an admin, you need to explicitly enable reset tracking in the 24Files component, else, the capability will not be visible to end users.

More information can be found here in the documentation.

New APEX actions

We have extended the set of APEX action available within 24Files, with 2 new actions:

  • Sync Metadata: You can configure 24Files such that Salesforce fields are synced to SharePoint when a file gets first uploaded. This APEX action allows you to resync metadata afterwards, e.g. when the record gets updated.

  • Rename Record Folder: Use this Apex action to rename the record folder in SharePoint, e.g. triggered by a change of the record name in Salesforce.

For each of these APEX methods, there is an example Flow that is shipped with the package and that you can clone to customize it to your needs.

More information on the 24Files Flow, APEX and Platform Event support can be found here.

Special characters and folder structures

We have improved the usability of Folder Structures in combination with special characters. In case you create a folder in a folder structure that contains special characters that are not supported by SharePoint, you will now get a more meaningful error message.

Also white spaces at the beginning and the end of a folder name are now automatically trimmed.

The list of not-supported characters for files and folders can be found here.

Sub Releases

  • 4.310

  • 4.311

  • 4.312

  • 4.313

JavaScript errors detected

Please note, these errors can depend on your browser setup.

If this problem persists, please contact our support.